Terms of Use
Terms and Conditions of Use of this site constitutes acceptance of the following conditions:
This web site is maintained by Tirana Bank of Albania for the use of our customers and public. Every effort has been made to ensure the statements made and the contents of this site are accurate. However, errors may occur in the contents of this site and Tirana Bank is not responsible for any inaccuracies presented. The user of this site is responsible for verifying the information before making any decisions.
For our customer’s convenience, links to web sites controlled by others are included on our web pages. Tirana Bank does not necessarily agree with opinions expressed on web sites other than our own. Tirana Bank is not responsible for the accuracy of information or the fitness of purpose on web sites other than our own.
You are not allowed to link to our site without written permission of Tirana Bank. The graphics and text may not be downloaded, copied, mass printed, or used in any other fashion without written permission of a Tirana Bank representative.
For more information please feel free to contact by calling 0800 68 68 or +355 42 277 700.