Unsecured Consumer Loan

Tirana Bank offers financial support for all Retail customers, to cover financial needs (consumer goods, cars, home furniture, home appliances, vacations, personal expense etc).

Currency: EUR / ALL


  • Minimum:      100,000 ALL / 800 EUR
  • Maximum:     3,000,000 ALL / 25,000 EUR

Tenor: 10 Years

Interest Rates:

CCY Options Affluent Customers Premium Customers
LEK FIX Loans up to 3 years maturity: 9% / year
Loans up to 4 years maturity: 10% / year Loans up to 5 years maturity: 11% / year

Loans up to 3 years maturity: 10% / year
Loans up to 4 years maturity: 11% / year Loans up to 5 years maturity: 12% / year

Variable TB 12M + 8%, MIN 8.5% TB 12M + 10%, MIN 10.5%
MIX 8%/year for the first 3 years, then TB 12M + 8%, MIN 8.5% 10% / year for the first 3 years, then TB 12M + 10%, MIN 10.5%

Loans up to 3 years maturity: 10% / year
Loans up to 4 years maturity: 11% / year

Loans up to 5 years maturity: 12% / year

Variable TB 12M + 10%, MIN 10.5%
MIX 10% / year for the first 3 years, then TB 12M + 10%, MIN 10.5%


  • ID card / passport
  • Family certificate
  • Employment confirmation issued by the employer
  • If the customer has his own business:
  • Extract of National Registration Centre for Businesses (NIPT);
  • Tax Office verification of dues;

Note: The Bank keeps the right to request other documents considered necessary for the evaluation of the client

For more information, contact our branches or call for free at Info Bank  0800 68 68.

Uninsured Consumer Precontractor Info October 2024